武威雅思冲刺 欢迎咨询 甘肃爱美信国际职业培训学校供应

    武威雅思冲刺 欢迎咨询 甘肃爱美信国际职业培训学校供应

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  • 产品价格:面议
  • 发货地址:甘肃兰州城关区 包装说明:简单
  • 产品数量:1.00 套产品规格:齐全
  • 信息编号:135140649公司编号:19508124
  • 安娜 主任 微信 18153602685
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Further, in order to fully evaluate this claim the audience needs to learn more about the interview questions that Dr. Karp’s team used—what exactly did they ask? We don’t know,武威雅思冲刺, nor do we know what the children’s responses actually were. What did they say about their biological parents? The mere fact that they speak more frequently about their biological parents than they do about other adults does not mean that their biological parents had a greater role than the community did in their rearing. It would significantly undermine Dr,武威雅思冲刺. Karp’s argument if it turned out that the children said things like how much they missed their parents or how their parents had left them in a communal environment,武威雅思冲刺. Without knowing what the children said, one cannot accept the argument above without reservations.


翻译:The main function of school is impart knowledge to the next generation.


翻译:Arts is not regarded as a core curriculum at school.


翻译:Because of unclear/ ambiguous economic outlook, many companies are unlikely to recruit new employments.


翻译:Air freight is likely to exhaust a large number of greenhouse gases.


翻译:The children are likely to meet behavior problems.


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